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Architecture of an Atom – feature

Electrons of the project at large; the construction of conflict, the questions of global identity politics, and the economic crisis drive this series of films that are also performances. Each short is filmed in different locations of North America & Europe (Gotland-Sweden, Vantaa-Finland, Rome-Italy, New York-USA, Winnipeg-Canada, Copenhagen/DK & Malmö/Sweden, Lyon-France.)

Using the theory of iconography of comics, in each short the “Infinite Whistle” comes alive as a person played by a different performer from each place. The whistle is inspired by ancient venus sculptures such as “the Venus of Willendorf,” ancient whistles and 1970’s body earthwork-performances by Ana Mendieta. Investigating place with the knowledge that ‘authentically’ portraying a place is a fallacy, the subject of this series is the construction of conflict through the process of filmmaking. The method of finding the story is through having conversations, working in cooperation and collaboration, working within economic limits, uncovering private/public spaces and chance. Each film is reconstructed with sound score performance events with musicians from its home country. The results are disjointed, aleatoric collaborative films portraying fragmentary narratives.

Here is a six minute video introduction.

The series was made from 2011-2015, with three cycles with a total of seven films. With each cycle, the films and stories became more complex as they became more connected to the central narrative and to each other.


Gotland & the Infinite Whistle

Co-Produced by Isabella Rodriguez, the Women’s International League for Peace & Freedom in Sweden, & GrrrndZero in France. original format: 16 mm film transferred to video running time: 9 min 07 screening format: quicktime, mp4, DCP year completed: 2012

Rome & the Infinite Whistle

Co-Produced by the Crack Comics Festival in Rome, Italy original format: HD video running time: 5 min 38 screening format: quicktime, mp4, DCP year completed: 2012

Vantaa & the Infinite Whistle

Co-Produced by Helsinki Comics Festival at the Kiasma Museum of Contemporary Art, & Sari TM Kivinen original format: 8 mm transferred to video running time: 5 min 06 screening format: quicktime, mp4, DCP year completed: 2012


Old Man Carmentine (Washington Heights, Brooklyn, Southampton & the Infinite Whistle) Unreleased online. Ask for password. Co-Produced by Stonybrook University/Killer Films, Sam Creely and Tony Groutsis, sound score performance at the Invisible Dog in Brooklyn with artist/musician Lichens (Robert Lowe) Original format: HD video, 8 mm Running time: 8 min 04 Screening format: Quicktime, MP4, DCP Year completed: 2014 JULIACKS plays the role of ‘Old Man Carmentine’ in this short film and in the feature film.

Amager Whistles Infinite Unreleased online- ask for password Co-produced by the Moderna Museum and ALT_CPH, this infinite whistle film is singular while intersecting the main feature storyline with the character of Osmo and the Infinite Whistle played by Kolbeinn Karlsson. original format: HD Video running time: 8 min 25 screening format: HD, MP4, DCP year completed: 2014

Lyon SIfflet Infini Unreleased online. Ask for password. Co-Produced by 360m3 as part of the exhibition “CDD” and by GrrrndZero original format: HD video running time: 4 min 41 screening format: quicktime, mp4, DCP year completed: 2014


This film was exceptional in the series because it was both intended as part of the infinite whistle series and as major scenes in the feature length film. However, much of this film contains scenes that were not included in the feature from both Winnipeg and Lyon. It is also a two-channel film installation and a departure from the previous construction.

Winnipeg Whistles Infinite Unreleased online. Ask for password. Two channel film installation. Co-Produced by Atomic Center of Winnipeg Canada and Néon of Lyon France. original format: 16mm film transferred to HD video, and HD video running time: 12 min 05 screening format: quicktime, mp4, DCP year completed: 2014. Still from exhibit at Silberkuppe in Berlin, Germany in 2015.